Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatment

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you face an important decision. Which treatment is best for you? In the past, common treatment options for prostate cancer may have seemed harsh, unpredictable, or had alarming side effects.
For these and other reasons, including the fact that prostate cancer tends to be slow growing, some men choose a course of action called “watchful waiting.” This means routinely monitoring the progess of the disease without specific treatment, while being alert to the possible spread of the disease. But this carries some risks; for example, the cancer may grow beyond the prostate gland before your next doctor visit.
Fortunately, advances in technology have led to improvements in treatment. Today there are several minimally-invasive treatments available for prostate cancer. In choosing a treatment, you should look for one that combines the best possible outcome with minimal side effects. This Website can help you compare the pros and cons of the various treatment options.
There are two major minimally-invasive treatments for prostate cancer today.
With brachytherapy, small radioactive seeds are implanted into the prostate where they irradiate prostate tissue. Side effects and discomfort are minimal, and the entire procedure usually takes less than an hour. For most patients this is an outpatient procedure and they go home the same day, returning to normal activities a few days later.
With cryotherapy, thin needles are inserted into the prostate. Extremely cold gases flow through the needles forming ice balls at the tips of the needles, literally freezes the prostate, eradicating the cancer. Cryotherapy reduces the pain, risks, and long recovery times associated with surgery. Most patients are mobile the same day, and many are discarged the same day and return to normal activity within a few days.
How do you know which treatment is right for you? Prostate cancer treatment should be highly individualized. What is right for one person may not be right for another. The best approach includes several steps:
• Educate yourself about prostate cancer
• Seek your doctor's advice. Understand your clinical stage and pathological grade of prostate cancer and the treatment options appropriate for it
• Research the various treatment options available available for prostate cancer
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